Friday 9 July 2010

Raoul Moat is giving me blue balls - he is also a huge faggot and will soon be dead

I honestly cannot get over how fucking stupid the whole Raoul Moat situation is

For those of you who are unaware, give no fucks or are Raoul Moat himself and are seemingly unable to use your brain, the situation is the dude called Raoul Moat beats his girlfriend up and gets sent to prison for it. While inside his girlfriend breaks up with him and, in an effort to make him back off, tells him she is now dating a policeman. So when he gets out he gets a sawn off shotgun, shoots his ex girlfriend and then shoots her new boyfriend twice, one to the chest and then one to the head from close range

Of course, this guy is not a policeman. I don't know what he is, but that dude is fucking dead at this point so it doesn't really matter. She survives, but that is irrelevant now. A day later Raoul Moat pops up again, shooting a police officer in the goddamn face. This shooting is quite big, since nobody really shoots the police here in the UK and also because I could literally walk to where the shooting takes place in around 15 minutes

Things start to get interesting as the police then get given a letter that apparently he wrote detailing how he was going to wage war on the police. "Fuck yes!" I thought "Something interesting is happening! Maybe this will be a brief light of interest in my otherwise shit life!" Sure, this letter is 48 pages long and fuck that nobody is going to read that fucking thing. But it's interesting anyways

The last time a guy was being hunted by the police it was in the movie Rambo. In my head Raoul Moat was Rambo, except his girlfriend dumping him was Vietnam. Later evidence comes out that apparently the police pulled him over in his car over a hundred times last year for various reasons, which could be seen as them pushing him (so to speak)

Then he does nothing for 4 days while the police look for him

That is not a war you are waging. That's not even a schoolyard fight. You are hiding like a fucking pussy. Would Rambo run away? Probably not, or if he was running away it was just to cut down a tree to carve into a bow so he could continue shooting people or some gay shit like that. I'll be honest, I barely watched any of the Rambo movies but I doubt it could be any more boring than this

So days pass and more and more details come out. Apparently he had hostages, but doesn't anymore. Apparently he has been sleeping in a tent. Apparently he's on steroids and he is suffering from roid rage. Apparently nobody gives a fuck and we want to see people get shot again. I don't give a fuck - people don't get shot all the time so it's interesting when they do, but when you start shooting people, promise to shoot more people and then you don't shoot anyone then that is blue balling me. I want you to lick my blue balls Raoul Moat. Metaphorically, of course. By shooting people

Now he's surrounded by around 40 armed officers and he's lying down with the gun pointed at his neck. If he makes a sudden movement he will be shot the fuck up. If he doesn't do anything he'll shoot himself. So of course he's been lying there for the past few hours

This is the end game. The only way he is leaving this is either in handcuffs or a bodybag. For the past 4 days he could leave where the police were searching but he didn't. He's cornered. There's literally no way out for him. He's fucked. If he has any sense he wouldn't be in this situation and if he has any homour he'll go out shooting. Assholess in the country can call him "The English Che Guevara" and we can go back to our world of shit

But that's too easy - Gazza has been reported to have turned up claiming he's a friend of Moat. If you aren't aware of Gazza he's a burned out alcoholic footballer who also, for all intents and purposes, owns real fucking hard. He's turned up at the scene where a murderer and also the most wanted man in the UK has finally fucked up his life on the run, drunk out of his mind, claiming to be his friend

This is no longer about one shithead shooting people. This is the Gazza show now. Nobody will remember the ridiculous looking over grown baby. Nobody will even remember the shooting or the death. People will remember the drunk fuck up being a drunken fuck up. In only a few hours the situation went from boring to interesting to utterly fucking ridiculous

The situation isn't over yet, but my interest has now died. A chilling story about a fucking idiot going crazy and shooting people has been overshadowed by a fat clown with a stupid accent. I know the UK doesn't have many of these happenings and we can take what we learned here and use it to the advantage next time, but it's still dissapointing. Why even bother when, no matter what you achieve, some fat fuck wil lcome and steal your thunder?

Fuck this, I'm tired of talking about Raoul Moat. I'm gonna get drunk fags, peace

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