Friday, 2 March 2012

Geordie Shore Season 2 Episode 5 - Gender Roles in Geordie Shore

Hey, at least it's nearly over now!

It starts with Ricci, Vicky, Gary and Charlotte coming home, Newcastle. Ricci and Vicky find James in their room "Dunno why, he has a bit of a banker going on" Gary muses "Then again, it was Holly" Ricci then says that he banged Vicki. Everyone else says stuff that is far stupider. "It's what couples do" is Vicki's reaction, even though he isn't her boyfriend, some other dude is. "Vicki went on Ricci's sticky!" Charlotte exclaims. "I'd rather shit on my hands and clap then watch them two bang" Rebecca says, starting this episode strongly for a change

After spending the past few episodes doing his best to avoid her, Sophie keeps trying to call her boyfriend. He's been ignoring her calls for days now. I'm sorry, but this is kinda funny. She finally gets through, and he agrees to come to Newcastle on the third time of asking. What a hero. That night, Vicki says she has to go see Dan. Charlotte starts screaming "God!" and Sophie ust mutters "For fucks sake!" Hey, at least everyone else is as fed up with this shit as I am

So Vicki goes to a bar, and her boyfriend doesn't turn up. He has no idea she's cheating, he just completely no shows. She goes home and cries about it, despite this being EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. Sophie is getting ready to meet her boyfriend and FUCK WHAT IS GOING ON GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU TWO.

Sophie's boyfriend turns up, topless. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's a Lodnon thing? "If my boyfriend walked into my house like that I'd think 'You twat'" says Rebecca. Why did she have to wait until episode fucking 5 to be cool? "It just seems fucking stupid" Jay rightfully points out. "What the fuck are you doing, mate?" James asks rhetorically. "He may look good and put a bit of spray tan on but this is never acceptable. Wanker" Vicki says. They all have a point, really

Everyone goes out, except Vicki and Ricci. Vicki because she's feeling bad about being stood up by her boyfriend, Ricci because "Why would I want to go out pulling birds when I have the best looking girl in Newcastle with me right here?" Sophie's boyfriend spends the night with the lads, which Sophie isn't too thrilled about. They argue, she starts crying. Charlotte also throws a tantrum because Gary, get this, is hitting on women! HE NEVER DOES THAT! She also admits she has feelings for him. Well, we knew that since season 1 but at least she's admitting them now

Gary comes in and says that he's going to just blank her from now on because he's just sick of this happening again and again. Sophie's boyfriend gets into the hot tub and just complains about Sophie. She then walks right past him and into the fuck hut to sleep. Next morning, it's Vicki's birthday! Ricci gets her a giant teddy bear "A bit sweet, but I'm not five" comments Vicki. The guys go to the gym and slag off Sophie's boyfriend for being a twat. Not the gym in the house though, they go to a real gym. WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT GYM!?

Vicki's family turns up at the house with loads of presents, which I should have taken a picture of but I didn't. "I spent a wedge on Vicki for her birthday, but if you want that gash you got to spend the cash" says Ricci. A giant teddy bear and a little cake costs a lot of money? I suppose it is a reccession. Back at the house, Vicki gets a huge amount of flowers. Like, an assload of flowers. Alright Ricci, you win this round

Their boss calls and gets Ricci Charlotte Holly and Gary to hand out flyers. Charlotte decides she wants to be homeless instead. Ricci is then cooking a meal for Vicki, which nobody seems to be too thrilled with. "What the fuck is he playing at?" asks James and Charlotte says "He may as well have a vagina". Geordie Shore - reinforcing gender roles since fucking forever

"Ricci's put a lot of effort into my birthday, and I really appreciate it" says Vicky "But that doesn't mean he's getting a bang" Yes, the two of them go to the fuck hut to not have sex. Ricci thinks he's entitled to it after all the work he put in, she isn't giving it up. Honestly, Vicky should be praised for this - sex isn't something you give out as a reward for good behaviour

Sophie gets his boyfriend back up again "I'm not doing this on the phone, I have to do it to his face" says Sophie. Jesus lady, you make him sit on a fucking train for 3 hours just to get dumped by you and then spend another 3 hours back to London? That's fucking cold. She gets home and feeling down, so everyone throws her a house party. When everyone is getting ready Vicky's birthday presents from her boyfriend turn up. A day late. She starts crying, but opens them up. They are a pair of shoes and matching bag. "If you're getting that then why the fuck are you with Ricci, who gives flowers and a shit teddy?" asks Sophie. I don't think you can really give out relationship advice here

Ricci comes in and starts sulking, which is a great way to start a house party. Their boss shows up, with two half naked people. Yes, it's what the guys had to do in season 1 where they catered to parties. Except one of them is a woman, and the woman is the "worldy" that James has been banging lately. How? Charlotte starts hitting on one of Ricci's friends, which Gary is happy with "If she bangs it, it'll be the first step towards us being friends again" Vicky and Ricci and talking, except he's still sulking like a child. They argue, but then they get drunk. He asks her out, she says yes. Awww, a happy ending

Charlotte kisses Ricci's friend and is very happy about it...I think? "I feel like Geprge Bush! What's the girl version of George Bush?....Margaret Thatcher!" she exclaims. I honestly have no fucking clue what the fuck she is on about, although that's par for the course at this point. James gets the girl back to his room again, although Ricci keeps walking in on them every few minutes, because he's a twat. Everyone then starts slagging him off because he's been a twat to everyone all night

Gary then throws a bottle of water off Ricci's face because he's sick of him. Or maybe Ricci throws it off Gary's face. The camera is too far away to really tell, but they do start fighting. The episode then ends. Next week is the last one! I may even be bothered to take screenshots!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

David Rathband was a coward and you are an idiot for disagreeing

I know when I do posts that aren't about Geordie fucking Shore it's usually because of Tony fucking Parsons. The self described journalist/writer is a bastion of everything that is wrong with Western society, never mind the UK. He's a faux intellect, he believes himself to be middle class even though it doesn't actually exist and everything he spews out of his mouth is a horrid combination of melodrama and sensationalism

This morning, PC David Rathband hung himself. A few years ago he was shot and blinded by the infamous literal baby faced lunatic, Raoul Moat. Afterwards, Rathband declared Raoul Moat to be a coward for taking his own life instead of giving himself up. He also said, in several interviews and in his own book, that he wasn't going to let the ghost of Raoul Moat hang over his life. He was going to live his ife to the fullest, because he was lucky to be alive. He was going to show Raoul Moat that he can take his eyesight, but he could not take his life away

It didn't work out so well for him

This is where Tony Parsons comes into it. He made this tweet and a lot of people believe him to be right. That David Rathband, hours after his suicide was announced to the media, didn't actually kill himself. He was murdered by Raoul Moat way back when

Why? Well, David Rathband was a hero. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time but he came back from it. He fought with everything he had, and went on to live his life. That is what a hero does. Heroes do not kill themselves. You can't even call it re-writing history, since usually some time has to pass before it can be called history. His body was found around 8 hours ago at the time of writing and people are retro-actively saying he didn't kill himself

It's this sense of delusion which gave birth to the notion of him being a hero on the first place. Let's be honest here, heroes do not exist outside of children's books and other fantastical stories. The word gets bandied about so much nowadays, and for what? Our media loves nothing more than to build people up just to knock them down - the hero worship just makes their fall all the more sweet

When David Rathband allegedly beat his wife and was arrested for it, it was reported but nobody came out against him. Nobody attacked him like other famous beaters of women, like Chris Brown or Charlie Sheen. Nobody questioned the anger he obviously had inside of him for losing his sight when Moat shot him. It was brought up and almost as quickly swept under the rug

Was Rathband getting shot sad? Yes, definitely. Nobody deserved to go through that. Nobody deserves to be targeted simply because of who they are, in this case a police officer. Was he a hero for it? No. Was he an inspiration? Apparently not, unless you want to inspire your kids to kill themselves if it is getting too tough for them

Tony Parsons and everyone like him don't see that. The truth is right in front of their eyes, and they chose to ignore it. They chose to paint a picture of him, a tragic hero, one who didn't kill himself but was already dead. Why ruin an inspirational story when it doesn't end the way you want it to? Just change the ending entirely in front of everyone's eyes!

Raoul Moat killed himself because that was his only way out. He had been on the run for days and there was a manhunt for him. He ended up surrounded by police and eventually he shot himself. He had managed to kill one person and shoot two others, and he wasn't going to be punished for it. If he gave himself up then he'd be in jail for the rest of his life. If he died there and then, he'd be renowned, a part of British history

David Rathband killed himself because he couldn't carry on. He was blind, but thousands of blind people manage to carry on. He had huge public support behind him - even if he was blind he was could have done anything he wanted. Without wanting to sound insensitive, he was essentially bulletproof - he managed to get through allegations of assaulting your wife without so much as a hint of public outcry

In my opinion, Rathband is not a hero, and if anything, is even more of a coward than Raoul Moat. Raoul Moat had a life of imprisonment when he killed himself. David Rathband had far more going for him. He could have done pretty much anything and the entire country would be in force behind him. His life would be difficult, but him continuing on would just be even more inspiring

That's why Tony Parsons claims Moat killed him. It doesn't ruin the story. It keeps David Rathband as a brave person. He didn't kill himself. How could he? How could a person as brave and inspiring as David Rathband kill himself? No, he was murdered after his murderer had been dead for nearly two years. The idea of David Rathband is more important than David Rathband as a person, so when the person lets them down then they can just change the idea

Maybe the media played a part in it. All the pressure they put on him to be better. Brave. Inspirational. Heroic. Maybe he wasn't any of those things at all - maybe he was just a police officer who lost his eyesight in a horrific event that suddenly attained the media spotlight and, try as he might, he wilted under it. Maybe he was deeply unhappy with the cards he had been dealt, and was torn between what he wanted to do and what he was perceived to be, how he should act. Maybe the media shouldn't be the ones to take such a high and mighty stance over this because of that

I don't know. In all honesty, it doesn't even matter now. The story is over. With Rathband dead, Raoul Moat will get his one last push in the newspapers and then that will be it, aside from the anniversaries. I've made my thoughts on this re-writing of events clear, in many words. David Rathband couldn't keep living his life so he killed himself. This does not make him a hero, this makes him a coward. No amount of metaphors will change that